The Commuter Experience
When starting my master’s at Durham I was very nervous for how I would adjust to a new university and what this would mean for my social life. I was surprised to meet other commuters in Trevs, and straight away we bonded over being from the North East. I found Trevs to be a great place to hang out in between lectures and through this I got to know lots of faces around college and make lots of new friends. Don’t let commuting put you off getting involved in college life. For example, we all still try to attend as many formals as possible (it helps that the trains to Newcastle and Darlington run until late). When comparing my university experience to my commuter friends on my course, I have realised being an active member of Trevs has really enriched my time at Durham. No matter which college you become a part of, don’t let commuting put you off taking part in your colleges’ community.
Jess, Trevs MCR 2019-2020
Undergraduate to Postgraduate Transition
After spending 4 years as part of the undergraduate community in Trevs, I already knew how welcoming and supportive the college was, but that doesn’t take away from the nerves when joining a new branch of college. The MCR certainly lived up to the high standards set by my experience in the JCR. I found the postgraduate community to be supportive, active, and diverse and the friendships I made over the course of my master’s year developed quickly. Despite living out of college I made sure to be an active member of the MCR and spent a large amount of my time outside of lectures in college, where I could both complete my academic work and socialise, as well as holding a position on the Exec which I would highly recommend. The opportunities offered by the college both socially and academically offer a really unique environment, and the people in the MCR are a close-knit group. Throughout my entire time in Durham, both at undergraduate and postgraduate level, Trevs has truly been a home away from home.
Hayley, Trevs MCR 2019-2020